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Are you wondering what to do next?


Losing weight, getting fit, being healthy - all great things.  Something you know you need to do, but with some many choices out there, how do you decide?  You need in-depth knowledge, years of experience, and confidence in your choice so you know you did the right thing.  Would you like some help?


With AVD Fitness, we have the years of experience, we have the in-depth knowledge and we know exactly what you need.  We will take you step-by-step into the world of fitness.  Tell you exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it and how to achieve the fitness, health and life benefits you want.  All without leaving your house.


See what you can achieve with AVD Fitness in your corner cheering you on and helping you every step of the way!


Everything below IS included!

Daily Contact

Sometimes all you need is a partner in your health and fitness training.  Someone who has been there, knows what you are feeling, knows what you are thinkng and can talk you through the rough patches, the slow days, and the times you really just don't want to do it.


AVD Fitness is here just for that reason and just for you.


Of course we cannot MAKE you do something. You still have to do it for yourself, but we will tell you exactly what you need to do so you can get what you want.


Together we will examine your fitness goals and determine how best to make it happen in the safest, shortest  time and, of course, NEVER judge you.


We are the friend who will be here for you through the good times and not so good times.  Click the blue button to start your journey.

Weekly Assessments


Every week, you and I will get on the phone for 30 minutes and talk about what happened, what didn't happen, why and how to make it better for next week.


We will be the tough, but fair coach cheering you on but also telling you when things are not quite right.


We are here to help you achieve what you want, and that sometimes means we have to tell you something you don't want to hear.  But hey, that is what friends are for, right?  To tell you the truth when no one else will?


Click the blue button to begin that road to fitness freedom.

Monthly Calls


Now we are making progress.  Every month you and I will talk on the phone up to one (1) hour.  We will talk about our great achievements for the past month and what we can do to improve our results for the upcoming month.


At this point you will be able to see that you have made progress in your fitness journey and we will have the pictures to prove it.


You will feel great knowing that you are even closer now than you were 30 days ago to reaching the goals you thought were unobtainable.  Yes, YOU can do it and with AVD Fitness - YOU will make it!


Are you ready for the change, and increased good feelings? Click the blue button now.


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